Board Meetings & Trustees

The Hudson Falls Free Library is governed by a Board of Trustees. There are nine members of the board. The term of office of Trustees shall be five years to begin immediately upon date of election. Meetings are held at least quarterly, the first Monday of the month, beginning at 7:00 pm unless otherwise noted.

Board of Trustees:

  • Arlene Baker (President)
  • Lester Losaw (Treasurer)
  • Ann Francato (Secretary)
  • Cheryl Hogan
  • Bethanie Lawrence
  • Kendall McKernon
  • Maryann Stevens

Order of Business

  1. Review of minutes of previous meeting
  2. Financial report and approval of expenditures
  3. Report of the Library Director
  4. Report of committees
  5. Nomination and elections, if any
  6. Correspondence and communications
  7. Unfinished business
  8. New business
  9. Adjournment

Approve Minutes of Board Meetings